Patsy Puttnam

Born Patricia Mary Jones in North London 1944

Educated at Westminster Girls School and Minchenden Grammar School.

Married David Puttnam in September 1961.

Two children - Deborah born 1962, and Alexander born 1966.

Director, Enigma Productions Ltd 1988 to the present day.

Member of the Council - Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) 1993 - 2001.

Advisor in India for The Prima (Laura Ashley) Trust 1994 - 2002.

Trustee, The Arthur Koestler Trust - 1995 - 2003.

Owner/Designer – Vita Ltd 1996 - 2006

Honorary Doctorate - Cheltenham College of Art and Design - 1998.

Graduated as Counsellor from Obsidian College - 2005.

Honorary ‘Cork Person of the Year’ 2012.

Director, Atticus Education – 2013 – to the present day.

Judge, West Cork Hero’s – 2016 - 2018

Has lived in West Cork since 1990.

Lifelong healthy food fanatic and environmentalist.